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State Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Contacts

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Region 1

US EPA Region 1
Mark Mahoney
JFK Federal Bldg (SPP)
Boston, MA 02203
Ph: 617/ 565-1155
Fx: 617/565-4939

Connecticut DEP
Kim Trella
79 Elm St
Hartford, CT 06106
Ph: 860/424-3234
Fx: 860/566-4924

Maine DEP
Peter Cooke
State House Station 17
Augusta, ME 04333
Ph: 207/287-7100
Fx: 207/287-2814
Scott Fortier
100 Cambridge St. Rm 2109
Boston, MA 02202
Ph: 617/626-1090
Fx: 617/626-1095
Paul Richards
100 Cambridge St. Rm 2000
Boston, MA 02202
Ph: 617/626-1042
Toxics Use Reduction Institute
Janet Clark
One University Avenue
Lowell, MA 01854
Ph: 508/934-3275
Fx: 508/934-3050
New Hampshire DES
Stephanie D'Agostino
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Ph: 603/271-6398

Fx: 603/271-2867
Rhode Island DEM
Richard Enander
235 Promenade St.
Providence, RI 02908
Ph: 401/277-3434
Fx: 401/277-2591
Narragansett Bay Commission
James McCaughey
235 Promenade St.
Providence, RI 02908
Ph: 401/277-6680
Fx: 401/277-2584
Vermont ANR
Gary Gulka
103 South Main St
Waterbury, VT 05671
Ph: 802/241-3626
Terri Goldberg
129 Portland St, Suite 602
Boston, MA 02114
Ph: 617/367-8558
Fax: 617-367-0449

Region 2

US EPA Region 2
Danielle Fuligni
290 Broadway (SPMMB)
New York, NY 10007
Ph: 212/ 637-3584
Fx: 212/637-3771
New Jersey DEP
Melinda Dower
50 Trenton Ave
Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Ph: 609/292-1122
Fx: 609/777-1330
Laura Battista
138 Warren St
Newark, NJ 07102
Ph: 973/596-5864
Fx: 973/596-6367

New York State DEC
Mary Werner
50 Wolf Rd
Albany, NY 12233
Ph: 518/457-2519
Fx: 518/457-2570

Puerto Rico Environment
Carlos Gonzales
Ph: 809/765-7517 x381
Fx: 809/765-6853

Region 3

US EPA Region 3
Jeff Burke
1650 Arch St
Philadelphia PA 19103
Ph: 215/814-5661
Fx: 215/814-2782

Delaware DNR
Andrea Kreiner
PO Box 1401
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19903
Ph: 302/739-3822
Fx: 302/739-6242

MD Dept of Environment
Laura Armstrong
2500 Broening Hwy
Baltimore, MD 21224
Ph: 410/631-4119
Fx: 410/631-4477

PA Dept of Environment
Meredith Hill
PO Box 2063
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Ph: 717/783-0540
Fx: 717/787-8926

PA Technical Assistance
Jack Gido
110 Barbara Bldg II
University Park, PA 16802
Ph: 814/865-0427
Fx: 814/865-5909

Virginia DEQ
Sharon K. Baxter
PO Box 10009
Richmond, VA 23240
Ph: 804/698-4344
Fx: 804/698-4277
West Virginia DEP-OWR
Leroy Gilbert
Rt 3 Box 384
Danese, WV 25831
Ph: 304/484-6269
Fx: 304/558-2780

Region 4

US EPA Region 4
Dan Ahern
61 Forsyth St SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Ph: 404/ 562-9028
Fx: 404/562-9066

Alabama DEM - P2 Unit
Gary Ellis
1751 Cong. Dickerson Dr
Montgomery, AL 36130
Ph: 334/213-4303
Fx: 334/213-4399

Florida DEP - P2 Program
Julie Abcarian
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee. FL 32399
Ph: 850/488-0300
Fx: 850/921-8061

Georgia DNR- P2AD
Jancie Hatcher
7 MLK Jr. Dr. Suite 450
Atlanta. GA 30334
Ph: 404/651-5120
Fx: 404/651-5130

Kentucky DEP
Vicki Pettus
14 Reilly Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
Ph: 502/564-6716

Kentucky P2 Center
Donald Douglass
Acad. Bldg, Room 420
Louisville, KY 40292
Ph: 502/852-0965
Fx: 852-0964

Mississippi DEQ
Thomas E. Whitten
PO Box 10385
Jackson, MS 39209
Ph: 601/961-5171

North Carolina DEHNR
Gary Hunt
PO Box 29569
Raleigh, NC 27626
Ph: 919/715-6500
Fx: 919/715-6794

South Carolina DHEC
Robert Burgess
2600 Bull St
Columbia, SC 29208
Ph: 803/734-4761
Fx: 803/734-9934

Tennessee DEC
Angie Pitcock
401 Church St
Nashville, TN 37243
Ph: 615/532-0760

Region 5

US EPA Region 5
Phil Kaplan
77 West Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604
Ph: 312/353-4669
Fx: 312/353-4788

Illinois EPA
Keri Luly
1021 N Grant Ave. East
Springfield, IL 62794
Ph: 217/524-1846
Fx: 217/557-2125

Illinois Waste Mgmt
Tim Lindsey
One East Hazelwood Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820
Ph: 217/333-8955
Fx: 217/333-8944

Indiana DEM
Cheri Storms
150 West Market St. Suite 703
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Ph: 317/233-1041
Fx: 317/233-5627

IN Clean Manufacturing Tech & Safe Materials Institute
Alice Smith
2655 Yeager Rd. Suite103

West Lafayette, IN 47906
Ph: 765/463-4749
Fx: 765/463-3795

Michigan DEQ
Marcia Horan
PO Box 30457
Lansing, MI 48909
Ph: 517/373-9122
Fx: 517/335-4729

Minnesota OEA
Phillip Muessig
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155
Ph: 651/215-0204
Fx: 651/215-0246

Minnesota (MN TAP)
Cindy McComas
1313 5th St SW Suite 207
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Ph: 612/627-4556
Fx: 612/627-4769

MN Pollution Control Agency
Al Innes
520 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155
Ph: 612/296-7330
Fx: 612/297-8676

MN Technology Inc.
Kevin O'Donnell
111 3rd Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Ph: 612/672-3446
Fx: 612/497-8475

Ohio EPA
Michael Kelley
PO Box 1049
Columbus, OH 43216
Ph: 614/644-3469
Fx: 614/728-2807

University of Wisconsin
Rick Grote
620 Langdon St, Rm 530
Madison, WI 53703
Ph: 608/265-3055
Fx: 608/262-6250

National Farmstead Program
Liz Nevers
B142 Steenbock Library
Madison WI 53706
Ph: 608/265-2774
Fx: 608/265-2775

Wisconsin DNR
Lynn Persson
PO Box 7921
Madison, WI 53707
Ph: 608/267-3763
Fx: 608/267-0496

Region 6

US EPA Region 6
Eli Martinez
1455 Ross Ave Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75202
Ph: 214/665-2119
Fx: 214/665-7446

Arkansas IDC
Alford Drinkwater
One Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201
Ph: 501/682-7325
Fx: 501/682-2703

Louisiana DEQ
Gary Johnson
PO Box 82263
Baton Rouge, LA 70884
Ph: 504/765-0739
Fx: 504/765-0742

Louisiana TAP
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA
Ph: 504/286-6305
Fax: 504/286-5586

New Mexico ED
Patricia Gallagher
PO Box 26110
Sante Fe, NM 87502
Ph: 505/827-0677
Fx: 505/827-2836

Oklahoma DEQ
Dianne Wilkins
1000 NE Tenth St
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Ph: 405/271-1400
Fx: 405/271-1317

Texas NRCC
Ken Zarker
PO Box 13087 - MC112
Austin, TX 78711
Ph: 512/239-3144
Fx: 512/239-3165

TX Manufacturing Assistance Center
Conrad Soltero
Univ. of TX-El Paso
500 W University , Burges
El Paso, TX 75202
Ph: 915/747-5930
Fx: 915/747-5437
Lower Colorado River Authority
Charles Urdy
PO Box 220
Austin, TX 78767
Ph: 512/473-3200
Fx: 512/473-4066
Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research
Margaret Aycock
PO Box 10671
Beaumont, TX 77710
Ph: 409/880-8897
Fx: 409/880-1837

Region 7

US EPA Region 7
Marc Matthews
901 N 5th St (ARTD/TSPP)
Kansas City, KS 66101
Ph: 913/551-7517
Fx: 913/551-7065

Iowa DNR
Jeff Fiagle
502 E. 9th St
Des Moines, IA 50319
Ph: 515/281-5353
Fx: 515/281-8895
Iowa Waste Reduction Center
Christine Twait
1005 Technology Parkway
Cedar Fall, IA 50614
Ph: 319/273-8905
Fax: 319/273-2926

Iowa DED
Linda King
Small Business Liaison
Ph: 515/242-4761
Fx: 515-242-6338

Kansas DHE
Janet Neff
Bldg. 283 , Forbes Field
Topeka, KS 66620
Ph: 785/296-0669
Fx: 785/296-3266

KSU - P2 Institute
Sherry Davis
133 Ward Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Ph: 785/532-6501
Fx: 785/532-6952

Missouri DNR - TAP
David Goggins
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Ph: 573/526-6627
Fx: 573/526-5808

Nebraska Business Development Center
Rick Yoder
1135 M St, Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68508
Ph: 402/472-1183
Fx: 402/472-3363

Nebraska DEQ, P2 Office
Ben Hammerschmidt
PO Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509
Ph: 402/471-6988
Fax: 402/471-2909

Region 8

US EPA Region 8
John Larson
999 18th St, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
Ph: 303/312-6030
Fx: 303/312-6741

Colorado DHE
Parry Burnap
4300 Cherry Creek Dr
Denver, CO 80222
Ph: 303/692-2975
Fx: 303/782-4969

Montana P2 Program
Michael P. Vogel
109 Taylor Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717
Ph: 406/994-3451
Fx: 406/994-5417

North Dakota Dept of Health
Jeffrey L. Burgess
Ph: 701/328-5150
Fx: 701/328-5200
South Dakota DENR
Dennis Clarke
Joe Foss Bldg.,

523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3181
Ph: 605/773-4254
Fx: 605/773-4068

Utah DEQ
Sonja Wallace
PO Box 144810
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Ph: 801/536-4477
Fx: 801/536-4401

Wyoming DEQ
Patricia Jordan
122 West 25th
Cheyenne, WY 82992
Ph: 307/777-6105
Fx: 307/777-5973

Region 9

US EPA Region 9
Eileen Sheehan
75 Hawthorn St (WST11)
San Francisco, CA 94105
Ph: 415/744-2190
Fx: 415/744-1796

Arizonia DEQ
Jacquelione Maye
3033 North Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Ph: 602/207-4607
Fax: 602/207-2302
California EPA
Terri Cronin
8800 Cal Center Dr
Sacramento, CA 95826

California Energy Commission
David Jones
1519 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph: 916/654-4554

CA Toxic Substance Control
Kathy Barwick
PO Box 806
Sacramento, CA 95812
Ph: 916/322-1815
Fx: 916/327-4494
UCLA P2 Center
Billy Romain
Ph: 310/825-2654
Fx: 310/206-3906

Hawaii Dept of Health
Marlyn Aguilar
919 Ala Moana Blvd,

Rm # 212
Honolulu, HI 96814
Ph: 808/586-4373
Fx: 808/586-7509

Nevada Small Business Development Center
Kevin Dick
6100 Neil Rd. Suite 200
Reno, NV 89511
Ph: 702/689-6677
Fx: 702/689-6689

Region 10

US EPA Region 10
Carolyn Gangmark
1200 Sixth Ave (01-085)
Seattle, WA 98101
Ph: 206/553-4072
Fx: 206/5538338

Alaska DEC
Marianne See
555 Cordova St
Anchorage, AK 99501
Ph: 907/269-7586
Fx: 907/269-7600
Idaho DEQ
Katie Sewell
1410 N Hilton

Boise, ID 83706
Ph: 208/373-0465
Fx: 208/373-0169

Oregon DEQ
Marianne Fitzgerald
811 SW Sixth St
Portland, OR 97204
Ph: 503/229-6457
Fax: 503/229-5850

Washington DEC
Lynn Helbrecht
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504
Ph: 360/407-6760
Fx: 360/407-6715
Pacific Northwest P2 Resource Center
Madeline Sten
1326 Fifth Ave., Suite 650
Seattle, WA 98101
Ph: 206/223-1151
Fx: 206/223-1165
Washington State University
Carol Reisenberg
501 Johnson Tower
Pullman, WA 99164
Ph: 509/335-1576
Fx: 509/335-0949